金都招远黄金珠宝首饰城有限公司 p_MEK%o
Gold Capital-Zhaoyuan Gold Jewelry Palace Co.,ltd ^|[br.
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is located in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province: China’s Gold Capital. It is an intelligently designed modern emporium of Gold and Gem Jewellery, the largest of its kind. It is also a designated preferred destination by both Taobao Tourism and Gold Tourism. 7V"-rX>}
黄金珠宝首饰城建筑面积达2万平方米,主要从事黄金首饰、铂金首饰、白银首饰、珠宝首饰、镶嵌首饰、宝玉石项串、金石、金属工艺品、招金金石等批零售业务。 DXf7 V(0
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is 20,000 square meters of engaging displays of gold, platinum, silver and mosaic jewelry as well as gem stone necklaces and bracelets, metal crafts, gold embossed stone and other retail businesses. t8_3o ob
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